People who have prescription drugs for a condition usually use their medications until they are gone. Some people hang on to these drugs in case they need them in the future. The people who keep prescription drugs might be tempted to share those drugs with other...
Experienced, professional and effective legal representation
Month: April 2017
Can I get in trouble for getting high off of inhalants?
There are many avenues that people use to get high. While some people turn to drugs like narcotics or cocaine, others choose methods they think are safer. These methods are often just as dangerous as using hardcore drugs, so people who do them must be careful. One way...
Domestic violence charge defense strategies are complex
We recently discussed some of the main points regarding a domestic violence case. If you recall, the effects of these cases can be considerable and far-reaching. If you are facing a domestic violence charge, your defense is the backbone of your plan for the future. We...
Domestic violence charges can’t be ignored
Domestic violence charges can shake you to your core. Knowing that you and someone you love have a wedge between you over something that was probably a stupid disagreement is disheartening. Now, you have to face the fact that criminal charges have been levied against...
Consider the goal of your DUI defense
In our previous blog post, we discussed some of the reasons why a police officer might initiate a traffic stop when he or she thinks that a driver is drunk. The reasonable suspicion concept is one that can come into the picture when you opt to pursue a defense...
New Hampshire drug offenders need treatment, not jail time
It is no secret that New Hampshire is in the throngs of an opioid crisis, and if you are facing a charge related to opioids or other drugs, you may be wondering whether you will have to serve time. Ultimately, that decision will be based on several factors, such as...