Derry drivers who are involved in single-vehicle accidents in which they and their passengers suffer serious injuries are often automatically assigned responsibility. Law enforcement officials at the scene begin looking for factors that led to the crash, such as speed...
Experienced, professional and effective legal representation
Month: August 2016
Facing a probation violation? Contact a criminal defense attorney
In Derry and elsewhere in New Hampshire, a sentence for a criminal offense often includes a period of probation. The terms of that probation depend on many factors, and failing to comply with them could result in a violation. What happens next can vary from person to...
Tips to avoid the 3 most common estate planning mistakes
Estate planning is an elephant in the room. We all know we should have one, but no one wants to actually talk about it. One way to ease into these conversations is to focus on the mistakes other people have made and come up with ways to avoid the same issues for your...
Should a request for expungement be part of a criminal defense?
Many people in Derry have made mistakes that have resulted in an arrest or criminal conviction. The question becomes whether they should have to continue to pay for that mistake long after they have fulfilled their sentencing requirements or otherwise resolved the...
Video of arrest presents a challenge in criminal defense
These days, nearly every move that law enforcement officers make is captured on film. Derry residents might be aware of the footage of an arrest of a driver in which two of the troopers involved, one from New Hampshire, are seen punching and kicking the suspect. This...