Many parents here in Derry might be able to sympathize with a family that wants someone to pay for the death of their son who died of a drug overdose. His best friend was arrested and charged in connection with that tragedy. Recently, his criminal defense team reached...
Experienced, professional and effective legal representation
Month: June 2016
Felony assault charges require a vigorous criminal defense
Those here in Derry who either have faced felony assault charges themselves or know someone who has already understand that the penalties of a conviction can be serious. Anyone facing such charges should engage the assistance of criminal defense counsel as soon as...
FAQs about child custody in New Hampshire
Going through a divorce is like preparing for a hurricane. You may see it coming for weeks, or it may sneak in and surprise you in a matter of days. However the storm approaches, it can do serious damage if you are not prepared. One step to take when preparing for the...
Facing drug charges? A good criminal defense is a good offense
Law enforcement officials here in Derry and throughout New Hampshire take drug crimes seriously. If you are under investigation or under arrest for drug charges, you will need to work quickly to protect your rights. Criminal defense counsel can help do that and...
Man arrested for pharmacy robbery needs criminal defense
It is hard to miss the recent news of celebrities reaching tragic ends due to powerful pain killers. The abuse of prescription drugs in this country seems to be reaching epidemic proportions, and places like Derry and other New Hampshire towns are not immune. When...
Greatness lives on: Three lessons in estate planning from Ali
A legend both in and out of the boxing ring, Muhammad Ali leaves behind a legacy in more ways than one. In addition to his professional triumphs, fans can also learn from his personal aspirations by taking note of how his estate unfolds in the months ahead. What's...
Driver likely needs criminal defense in deadly wrong-way crash
When police arrive at the scene of an accident in Derry or elsewhere in the state, those who survive the crash -- but suffer injuries -- have a tendency to talk to police without thinking. Unfortunately, depending on the situations, anything that is said could end up...