Many different charges related to drugs can come out of a criminal investigation. One of the charges possible can occur without any drugs actually being present. This is a drug paraphernalia charge, which can come based only on the objects that are in your possession....
Month: February 2018
Drug charges come with options that you must carefully consider
Illegal drug usage can lead to criminal charges, but there are times when all a person needs is help to kick an addiction. Unfortunately, the criminal justice system is geared more toward punishment and less toward help in these matters. If you are facing a drug...
Even legal medication can lead to impaired driving charges
Impaired driving charges can come from a host of situations. One of these is when a person takes legal drugs. These can include ones for sale at the local big box store or those that are prescribed by a doctor. The only thing that matters in these cases is that the...
The essential aspects of a will in the probate process
Wills allow estate holders to establish their wishes for their estates before their passing. The probate process helps to ensure the proper distribution of the estate in alignment with the estate holder's responsibilities and wishes. Whether...
Be careful this weekend if you are out at game parties
The Super Bowl is over but other big games are in the offing this weekend so many people will be heading out to enjoy some fun times with friends. If you are heading out, make sure that you have taken the time to plan for how you are going to get home after the game...