Carrying a criminal record throughout your life is not easy. It follows you everywhere and can impact you in many negative ways. The justice system is focused on fairness, which is why in some cases you can expunge your criminal record in New Hampshire. Before you...
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Annulments for criminal records have specific requirements
In New Hampshire, criminal record expungements are known as annulments. There are very strict requirements for records to be annulled. Understanding some of the requirements might help you determine whether your case may qualify or not. It is important to remember...
Criminal charge annulments aren’t quick
Many people want to know what they can do about a criminal conviction after they have served their sentence. For some, there is the possibility of expungement, but these cases are limited. In New Hampshire, an expungement is known as an annulment. When you apply for...
Find out if you are eligible for expunging your criminal record
One of the most disheartening things that a person can experience is having a criminal record impact them for the rest of their life. Unfortunately, this is a real possibility now that so many employers, landlords and others do routine background checks. When you...
Criminal record expunction is only possible in limited cases
Having a criminal conviction on your record can present several challenges in your life. You might not be able to hold the job you want, and you may find that renting a home is difficult. While there isn't much you can do about this while you are completing your...
Understand what a criminal record expungement can do for you
Having a criminal record can mean that you have some very limited options in some areas of your life. For example, you might find that it is difficult to find a job or an apartment based solely on your criminal history. Some people who have a case that meets specific...
Understand how an expungement might help you in the future
A mark on your criminal record is something that can have a negative impact on your life. Sometimes, there isn't anything that you can do about that mark; however, there are limited circumstances that might lead to you being able to seek an expungement of the criminal...
What are the top reasons to seek expungement in New Hampshire?
If you or someone you know has ever made a mistake resulting in a conviction, you probably already know how this can affect your life. Even a simple arrest can leave a black mark on your record that will follow you for your lifetime. On the other hand, a criminal...
What should I know about expungements?
It is sometimes possible to have a criminal record expunged in New Hampshire. If you want to have this done, you should know some basic points about the process and what you will need to do in order to get your record expunged. What does an expungement do? If you...
The basics of expungement
Expungement is a legal process that can remove an arrest or conviction from someone's criminal record. For some people, this could have a profound effect on their lives. For example, you may then be eligible for certain jobs. Not everyone will qualify for an...