Criminal justice matters must be taken seriously, even when there doesn't seem to be any substance to them. No matter what the charge, there are serious penalties that can come if you are convicted. In some cases, even a charge without a conviction can change your...
Experienced, professional and effective legal representation
Month: March 2018
What are the protective order laws in New Hampshire?
Facing domestic violence is scary. No one should face such a problem in his or her lifetime. For those who have been abused by a loved one, significant other or a friend, they need to know how to acquire a protective order. The protective order laws in New Hampshire...
Probation terms can prove difficult to comply with
Probation is an alternative to having to serve a sentence in jail or prison. Unfortunately, this is often a very difficult program for participants because there are so many conditions and rules. For many people, compliance is complicated because many of the things...
An interlock device could be a component of your DWI penalties
New Hampshire drunk driving laws are harsh. If a law enforcement officer stops you for driving while intoxicated, the penalties you face will depend on your blood alcohol content level and the circumstances that led to your arrest. If you have a high enough BAC, the...
Drunk driving cases require careful attention to detail
People who are facing drunk driving cases need to make sure that they aren't trying to hide from the charges. As tempting as it is to just ignore the case, you have to be proactive when you are in this position. Instead of trying to forget about the case, use the time...