When you drive, you must be in your right mind so that you can drive safely. If you have been drinking or have taken any medications or drugs, you might not be able to legally drive. Some people don't realize that they can face criminal charges for driving under the...
Experienced, professional and effective legal representation
Month: July 2017
Know what you need to do when charged with domestic violence
Domestic violence is a difficult charge to face. This is because many of these cases stem from something that happened in the heat of the moment. You might not have meant to lay hands on your spouse, but when this does happen, you need to be prepared to take care of...
Don’t forget these points when appointing an executor
Making a will counts among one of the important steps you can take to distribute your estate after your passing. You also need to appoint an executor who will perform several functions necessary to the distribution of assets. When selecting an executor, keep in mind...
What should defendants know about domestic violence charges?
Domestic violence charges can come from a host of situations that you might not even think are actually forms of domestic violence. Many people think of domestic violence as a person being beaten by his or her spouse. There are many different types of domestic abuse...
Collaborating on a parenting plan has many benefits
In New Hampshire, it is the policy of the family courts to encourage parents to share in the responsibility of raising their children, even after divorce. The parenting plan document from the State of New Hampshire Judicial Branch reads “because children do best...