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Parolees must comply with strict program rules

People who are on parole can’t do whatever they want to do. The parole program comes with some restrictions that you have to be prepared for if you are facing the possibility of parole when you get out of prison.

Many times, family members will ask what they can do to help a person who is re-entering society on parole. The primary answer is that they can learn about the conditions and restrictions so that they can help the person comply with the program.

Some of the conditions of the program are fairly standard. Parolees have to meet with their supervision officer on a regular basis. They need to have a stable home, find employment, avoid alcohol and drugs and stay away from other felons. Other conditions might also exist. These can include taking anger management courses or going through a rehabilitation program.

The court might order that the person pay fines and restitution in connection with the criminal act. If this occurs, those payments, as well as parole supervision fees must be paid in accordance with the set schedule. You will also have to stay away from the victims of the crimes if this is ordered by the court.

Failing to comply with parole restrictions is problematic. This can lead to more issues with the criminal justice system and can necessitate finding new defense options. Parole violations won’t go through a jury trial. Instead, they are handled in a bench trial before a judge. This means you need to prepare carefully for the trial since the judge has a vast legal background.

Source: Prison Fellowship, “Probation and Parole Requirements,” accessed April 17, 2018