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Carefully plan your violation defense since it is a bench trial

We recently discussed the case of the Seacoast woman who was guilty of 12 parole violations. This case is one of the prime examples of why you should carefully follow your parole plan if you are subject to one. Even a probation plan should be followed exactly as it is written because you can face charges for violating probation or parole if you are supposed to comply with one of these programs and don’t.

Everyone makes mistakes. How you handle those mistakes is something that is very important. When it comes to probation and parole violations, you should probably handle the mistakes you made by seeking the advice of a lawyer.

Generally, probation and parole violations are handled in bench trials. This means that you won’t sit before a jury that determines your fate. Instead, your fate is strictly in the judge’s hands. This means that you need to plan your defense on the basis of legal arguments instead of on emotional ties to the jury or probabilities.

We know that having to stand up to the judge might not be something you think will be fun. We are here to help you plan out your defense so that you can make your side of the story known when you stand before the bench. We are here to help you prepare and present your defense.

You mustn’t think that you can wait until the last minute to work on your defense. Answering to a judge requires careful planning. Understanding laws and statutes that come into the picture in your case is one of the necessary things you have to do before your case goes before the bench.