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Criminal defense could focus on meth investigation of bar owner

On Behalf of | Jul 22, 2016 | Drug Crime Defense, Firm News

Derry residents might have heard about the arrest that is being reported as the largest methamphetamine seizure in the state of New Hampshire. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) claims that the owner of a bar here in the state was selling the drug out of his establishment. More than likely, his criminal defense will focus on the investigation in order to ensure that the man’s rights were protected.

The investigation is said to have begun approximately one month ago. Reports indicate that undercover officers went into the bar for the sole purpose of buying methamphetamine. Purchases were allegedly made from the bar’s owner on June 21 and June 29. Thereafter, undercover officers supposedly made a deal to purchase 10 pounds of the drug from him for $85,000. DEA agents arrested him while he was allegedly on his way to the sell the drugs. 

The owner of the bar in Manchester is a Mexican citizen. Officials claim that he obtained the drugs from Mexico and then sold them out of his bar. A search of his home was conducted as part of the operation. Authorities allegedly found approximately $6,000 in marked money there and drugs at the bar. Approximately 16.5 pounds of methamphetamine (approximate street value — $1 million) were supposedly found in the bar.

Despite the evidence that federal officials claim to have against this man, he is still entitled to review the evidence against him and present a criminal defense. Regardless of whether the law enforcement official is an officer with the Derry Police Department or a federal agent, they are all required to follow certain laws, policies and procedures when conducting an undercover investigation. If they fail to adhere to those requirements, the charges could be dismissed.

Source:, “Bar owner arrested in largest meth seizure in NH history“, Naoko Funayama, July 13, 2016