A Vital Ally In Child Support And Parenting Time Matters
When children are involved in a separation or divorce, it is important that their best interests are protected. As parents, you want future changes to have minimal impact and to eliminate the possibilities of challenging obstacles.
At Germaine & Blaszka, P.A., in Derry, New Hampshire, you can trust our respected team of attorneys. We have a well-established family law practice and have experience working with families facing a broad range of legal issues. Our experience speaks for itself, and we proudly stand behind our name.
Effectively Representing Clients
Parenting time is a comprehensive term meant to cover all parenting responsibilities in a separation or divorce. This includes decision-making responsibilities, schedules and other matters relating to the children.
An effective parenting plan meets the needs of the child(ren) and can be done with assistance from the experienced lawyers at Germaine & Blaszka, P.A. We are knowledgeable of parenting plans and have effectively handled situations involving parental relocations and parenting time modifications. Attorney Germaine has successfully represented clients before the New Hampshire Supreme Court in family law matters.
Securing Child Support
There are specific guidelines in New Hampshire for determining child support obligations. While the guidelines are straightforward, it is important an attorney reviews your situation to determine if a deviation from the guidelines is necessary or there are special circumstances that apply. In addition to handling child support issues, our attorneys handle child support enforcement and child support modifications.
Schedule Your First Consultation
Please contact us at 603-434-4125 to schedule your first consultation. Located in Derry, Germaine & Blaszka, P.A., handles cases throughout the surrounding New Hampshire areas. Consultations can be made at your convenience.