A Criminal Defense Ally In DWI/DUI And Motor Vehicle Offenses
Any person can be charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI). What may have started as a regular day or evening can take a drastic turn if you find yourself pulled over by law enforcement and asked to take a field sobriety test and Implied Consent violations.
DWI charges can be fought, but you need a lawyer to assist with this process. At Germaine & Blaszka, P.A. in Derry, New Hampshire, we represent people throughout the region who have been charged with drunk driving/DWI/DUI. We take an aggressive approach to defending our clients and offer a significant amount of experience handling all aspects of DWI/DUI proceedings.
A Legal Advocate Taking Initiative
To effectively represent someone facing DWI/DUI, your attorney must have the ability to think on his or her feet, be knowledgeable of the law and recognize the importance of gathering evidence. It is important to remember that you always have the right to an attorney, regardless of the circumstances of your case.
Our lawyers have handled first-time and repeat drunk driving offenses with issues involving:
- Implied Consent violations
- Aggravated DWI and felony
- Motor vehicle hearings including under-20 hearings
- Ignition interlock hearings
- Medical hearings
- Habitual offender hearings
- Administrative license suspension hearings
- Open container
- Transportation of alcohol by a minor; possession of alcohol by a minor
- Facilitating an underage house party, prohibited sales
- Possession of a fake identification (also known as driver’s license prohibitions)
Our team provides comprehensive representation for DWI/DUI cases, including help in dealing with driver’s license revocation and administrative issues.
Schedule A Free Consultation
Germaine & Blaszka, P.A. in Derry, New Hampshire, is ready to help. Please contact us online or call 603-434-4125 to schedule your first meeting. We offer free consults for DWI/DUI cases in the state. We accept cases throughout all surrounding communities.